
We celebrate life and rejoice that one we love has entered into the nearer presence of our Lord, yet sorrow in sympathy with those who mourn.

Anyone who would like their funeral service to be officiated by St. John's clergy and held at St. John's is welcomed.  Services can also be held at a funeral home, graveside or other meaningful location.  Family can contact St. John's directly or have the funeral home coordinate the connection.

Contact:     The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr., rector

                  603-436-8283 x 111,

                  The Rev. Anne C. Williamson, associate rector

                  603-436-8283 x 125,

If you would like to have your wishes and instructions for your funeral and burial on file, please print and fill out the Funeral and Burial Instructions Form and mail it to the office at 100 Chapel St., Portsmouth, NH03801.  Please connect with either Rob or Anne if you would like help making these decisions.