Worship Services

Holy Eucharist Rite I

The service of Holy Eucharist, also known as Communion or Mass, is the most important celebration of the Christian church.  "Rite I" is the version of the liturgy that most closely follows the traditional language used in the Episcopal church and other Anglican churches for many generations in older versions of the Book of Common Prayer. Rite I was created in the Book of Common Prayer published in 1979.  The 8am Holy Eucharist celebrated at St. John's using Rite I from today's prayer book is a quiet and contemplative service without music.

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Holy Eucharist "Rite II" is the version of the liturgy using more modern American language, defined in the current Book of Common Prayer published in 1979.  Rite Two includes full music with organ and choirs, clergy, community readers in the contemporary language. During the program year (Sept-May) there are normally offerings for children and youth.


A contemplative, spoken service with a rotating schedule of clergy each week in the traditional language, including prayerful interventions for healing.

Special Services

Throughout the year we host a number of special services on feast days and high holy days. Throughout the seasons of Advent and Lent we offer numerous opportunities to worship outside of Sunday mornings. Holy Week to Easter, Lessons and Carols, Christmas Pageant, Christmas Eve, and All Saints are commonly celebrated with enthusiasm, music, and passion. The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, visited St. John’s for All Saints 2022. This was a joyous celebration and we encourage you to watch the recorded service, below.