
We are pleased to share in the joyous event of your wedding. In the Episcopal Church, the rite of marriage is a sacramental event and requires the use of the Episcopal order of service. We believe that marriage is a sacrament open to all people, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, and our clergy are licensed and able to officiate same-sex weddings.

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Wedding Coordinator

Wendy Cote

Our wedding coordinator will offer the hospitality of the parish by answering questions regarding the use of the church, flowers, candles, photograph, and wedding customs at St. John’s. She will be present at your rehearsal and on your wedding day to oversee the details of the ceremony.

Wedding Policy for St. John’s Members

Parishioners who have been attending St. John’s for a minimum of six months are welcome to have their wedding in the church.

Pre-marital counseling sessions with the clergy are required for all couples prior to their wedding. Weddings are not scheduled during Lent and Advent or on Sundays.

If either member of the couple has been divorced, it is necessary to receive the approval of the bishop for the officiating clergy to perform the marriage ceremony. This procedure is done in consultation with the clergy.

Non-Member Weddings

We do a select number of non-member weddings each year. We have an all-inclusive fee of $5000 which includes the use of the church, the clergy and pre-marital counseling, the music director, the sexton, the altar guild, and the services of our wedding coordinator.

See St. John’s Wedding Brochure for complete wedding information.