Stewardship Reflection | Connected in Christ

Monday, October 17, 2022

Giving “away”


A few years ago I was walking to church and at the bottom of Chapel Street, looking up at me from the brick sidewalk, was the visage of President Andrew Jackson - on a $20 bill. I bent over, picked it up, and put in my pocket.

During the church service my mind wandered, thinking about the $20 bill in my pocket and how I might put to good use. I could buy two beers at Fenway Park. I could buy the Sunday Globe. The longer the $20 bill remained in my pocket, the more it felt that it was “mine”. After all, I found it, and went to the trouble to bend over and pick it up. It was my good fortune. I’d earned it. I deserved it.

These were the thoughts occupying my mind as the usher approached with the offering plate. Should I put my windfall in the offering plate, to supplement our already ample pledge? Or was this an opportunity to celebrate my good fortune by spending it on something frivolous? Couldn’t the church put it to better use than I could? By putting the $20 in the plate was I really giving anything up? Was I in any real sense giving something “away”?

The $20 bill was a windfall to me. In the same way, I am blessed and have been gifted in so many ways. By giving some of our earnings to St. John’s, aren’t we in the same way just sharing the gifts given to us?

The offering plate was approaching in the north aisle. The $20 bill, with perspiration from my hand, went into the plate. Share your blessings and gifts with those who need it more than you do.

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing. - I Thessalonians 5:11


Annual Appeal - 2023 Pledge Drive

Everything you do with everything you have.


Participation = 72 pledges of 300 goal (24%)

Financial = $186,591 of $550,000 goal (33%)

We are 24% of the way to our participation goal! Join the 72 households who have already pledged to help reach our goals together. No matter how much you give, your presence is always the greatest gift you can give. THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH US!