Family Resources for a Peaceful and Connected Advent Season

Hello youth and families!

Firstly, we hope you'll join us this Sunday night for our Parish Dinner at 5:30 in Thaxter Hall. Here's the RSVP that includes information on volunteering, if you'd like to help cook or clean up. 

We wanted to offer some resources to you as we prepare for the Advent season. It can be a time of quiet reflection, if we allow it to be. Sort of funny considering it also seems to be the nuttiest time of the year! But, if we can carve out small moments, we can allow a little peace into our lives. With Christmas on the horizon, we wait for the reality of a God with us. I keep thinking about the lyrics ‘A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices.’ I know we are all so weary right now, just waiting to rejoice. 

If you are looking to bring a little peace and reflection to your family this Advent season, here are some ideas for you:

  • Participate in our Advent bulb activity on Sunday. Read Aaron's reflection about this intergenerational activity that's sure to make you pause to watch and wait. You'll get to bring something home that will slowly develop during the Advent season.

  • Check out this free Advent Calendar from 1000 Hours Outside, an incredible initiative to get kids and their families outside more. 

  • An Advent devotional book called All Creation Waits from Gayle Boss. If you want to check it out before you purchase, Aaron has several copies she'll bring to the dinner that you can peruse. There is even a children's version for ages 5-10.  (The whole family can easily use the original ‘adult’ version, too!)

Thank you all for your time and consideration! And thanks in particular to our associate rector Aaron Jenkyn for these resources!

Contact: Allison Dudas, Director of Youth Ministry