Christmas Memorial Altar

Every year the Altar Guild prepares a gorgeous Christmas Altar ‘in memory of’ or ‘in honor of’ the beloved family and friends of the St. John’s community. Give a little to the Altar Guild, and your loved ones can be represented in the beauty and celebration on Christmas Eve.

A Note From Ginny Edwards of the Altar Guild:

Christmas Memorial Altar Flowers Chart 2023: will be posted on the notice board in the narthex starting November 19th.  Place the peoples name “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” on the chart and person placing the name in “Donated by” column, so if I have any questions I know who to contact.

There is a form below you can fill out and mail to Ginny Edwards.  Or you can email or call a question or information to Ginny Edwards, I will see to it the names are put on the list.  Please make donation check out to St. John’s Altar Guild and mail it to Ginny Edwards, 173 Moses Gerrish Farmer Road, Eliot, ME. 03903.  Ginny Edwards or phone 207-439-2119.  I need e-mails by Sunday December17th and if you mail the names I need to have them by December 16th so I have time to compile the list and get it to the Office Administrator to be ready for the Christmas Eve Service.  Thank you.  Ginny