Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Friday, Jan. 19, 2024


The Rev. Rob stevens

I heard someone say that, "January is the Monday of the year." I laughed and thought, "Yup, that pretty much sums it up for me." December is so full of activity and the anticipation of Advent culminating with the season of Christmas...then January. It's usually the coldest month, it's still dark and well as a friend of mine said this week, "Bleh." Also, as a parish priest it means the annual meeting and the budget. While I don't mind this work, (I actually like it, it's tangible and at SJC it is about abundance and the good work we are given to do) it is not exactly the reason that I felt called to ordained ministry. Ha!

So, if you love January...good for you! If you're like me and don't mind turning the page to February this reflection is for you. Tonight as I walked into a meeting a Cross Roads House I shared with the Director of Development my "love of January" and she later sent me this poem. She gets me and I share it with you in hopes that it makes you chuckle.

Bundle up, be gentle, spring is coming...yeah right. :)


Thirty days hath September,

April, June and November.

Unless a leap year is its fate,

February hath twenty-eight.

All the rest hath three days more,

excepting January,

which hath six thousand,

one hundred and eighty-four.

Brian Bilston