Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Tues., March 25, 2024

The Youth of St. JOhn’s

Connected in Story, Connected in christ

God asks us to shine our light on all of creation and help heal the world. During Lent we take time to look around and notice the ways the world is hurting and think about the ways that we can shine our light on the places, people, and issues that need healing. The youth of St. John's have spent the weeks leading up to Holy Week thinking about the issues most important to them, and they would like you to take notice - the world needs healing and they can't do it on their own. Will you join them in their hopes, prayers, and aspirations for peace, equality and justice for all?

How might you be called to help heal the world?

Do any of these issues speak to your heart? How might you help advocate, support or pray for this issue, and invite others to join you?

Is there an issue or cause that you care deeply about that you would like others at St. John's to notice?

Stop by Thaxter Hall to see the "Eggxhibit" of more posters and a call to action from the Youth of St. John's.