Capital Campaign

"We are blessed with a vital and growing church, the willing hearts and energies of many parishioners young and old. But what else is God asking us to do for each other and our community?" As we look at our many ministries, your vestry is asking, "what more can we be, and do our facilities enable those new ministries?"

Some things we want to be:

  • Accessible to everyone, including elderly and disabled (we are currently not)

  • As vital and alive in our physical spaces as we are in spirit

  • Able to provide a home for new outreach in the future

  • Fully utilize space we already have for ministry and community service

Through the generosity of a few focused parishioners led by Peter Tarlton, St. John’s completed a full architectural survey of the building and grounds in 2015.  With this report, the Vestry was able to draft a Strategic Plan to maintain and improve our historic buildings. 

Implementing this plan will increase the overall safety and accessibility of our building and grounds and enable St. John’s to be open to all to participate fully in worship, music, education and expand our community relationship building and events.  Our mission includes “Welcoming All”.  Currently the spirit is here, but our buildings can sometimes get in the way.  With these projects complete, we can truly “Welcome All”.

The plan was broken down into three areas:

  • Area 1: Increase safety

  • Area 2: Improve Accessibility

  • Area 3: Address deferred building maintenance projects and beautification