Daily Reflection | Connected in Christ

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Ashley Wade

Easter and the Giving Eggs

We have all heard about The Giving Tree... the amazing friend of the boy that kept giving and giving and giving herself to this boy she loved until she was nothing but a stump. But when he was an old man who returned to his beloved tree (that he took complete advantage of, by the way) she once again gave all she had left to give: a seat for him to sit down and rest. And she was happy. (REALLY, tree, you're happy like that?!)

The story begs us to consider so many things, not the least of which is abusive relationships, but the thing I want to focus on today is simply the title. The Giving Tree. Cause I'm going to borrow it and adjust it and make it ours.

THE GIVING EGGS. Specifically, Easter and the Giving Eggs. Or another version of this is The Easter Egg Giving Celebration. If you're good at marketing, I'd love to hear your opinion on the title of this event.

Traditionally at St. John's we have hosted an Easter Egg Hunt in the church yard for children in between the first and second Rite Two Easter Sunday services. This has been a plastic-eggs-stuffed-with-treats event for many years. And it has been good and fun. Good AND fun, you say!? Oh, I guess we'll have to make some changes right away! (Cue ominous music... duh duh duuuuhhh)

Last year there was no egg hunt. The year before that... no egg hunt. So we're working with some distance from how we used to do it. That bodes well for me. Additionally, buying plastic eggs and little knick-knacks (that no parents want in their home) and candy (that every child already gets enough of from that bunny character) causes actual pain in my soul. The plastic... the packaging... the sugar... the planet... nah, I don't think that's what we're going to do anymore.

But FUN... can't we still have FUN? Yes, I'm in favor of fun. Releasing children into the church yard to collect these little treasures is a great time. There's also room for older children and teenagers to shepherd younger ones (my favorite) and to make space for meaning and context (why are Easter eggs even a thing? what do we do with them if they're not stuffed with do-dads and jelly beans?)

And thankfully, there are people in the world with great ideas that I can borrow (steal). So, may I present to you, the NEW (and dare I say improved) Easter Egg Hunt... The Easter Egg Giving Celebration! Or The Giving Eggs! I'm still working out the title. (Throw it at the wall, Ashley... see what sticks.)

Here's the idea: In Sunday School children have been discussing how to care for our human siblings and creation. We have discussed the idea of "our daily bread" and what that really means. We have wondered about a world in which some people are denied access to their human needs and necessities. The older children are passionate about refugee displacement and human aid. Younger children see an aching planet and want to feed people.

This Easter, we as a community are going to empower our children to put their physical eggs into the baskets of the causes they care about. And this is not a drill, folx. Each egg is going to be assigned a dollar amount, so when children collect them and give them back, they're not only giving away the eggs in a symbolic gesture (reusable wooden eggs - hallelujah) they're actually giving real dollars toward the causes and concerns they have raised and discussed.

This is where you all come in. Consider a community in which we empower our children to use their gifts, talents, and resources to make positive change in the world. Consider a community that says to children, "We see you and we trust you. Here - take this and do something great." I want to build and participate in THAT community. This is one step in that direction. A new Easter tradition. The Giving Eggs.

To "sponsor an egg" is an ask to donate any amount. Our goal is $500. Please help our children reach this goal. Each egg will be valued at $5 or $10. With the help of our families and community members, our goal should be an easy reach.

If you want to read more about this giving opportunity or want to help manage the Easter Egg Giving Celebration with me, I'm here for it. Shoot me an email with ideas or questions.

If donating online isn't your favorite, you can toss cash or check our way via the plate on Sunday or snail mail to the office. Just please ensure its marked clearly EASTER EGGS.

Any amount you give will go directly back to the community, through the loving hands and hearts of our beautiful Easter children.